In the lord's dwelling
Inaugurated on May 13, 2023 for the 50th anniversary of the opening of the castle-museum, this exhibition traces through photographs and testimonies the last 50 years of the place. The future projects of the castle-museum are to be discovered at the end of the exhibition.
In the chapel (excluding during summer events)
The ‘Sacred Middle Ages’ exhibition delves into the religious lives of late Middle Ages laymen. The period was marked by a multitude of religious practices that came to consolidated the faithful community. It was a time of processions, of brotherhoods. And in these troublesome times, also marked by epidemics, war and famine, the medieval man turned to God and his intercessors. Death and the preparation for life in the hereafter were also of great importance. Crèvecœur Castle is acknowledged for its living history offer. ‘Sacred Middle Ages’ will present a collection of reproduced objects, in particular an altar and a carved altar stone.
Crédits : Nicolas Méreau