Mentions légales (2)

Mentions légales

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Château de Crèvecoeur
Tél. 33 (0) 231 630 245
Fax. 33 (0) 231 630 596

Création site
4, avenue Sainte-Thérèse
14100 Lisieux

Hébergement du site
SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
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Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Pierre-Jérôme Coulmin,
Damien Letorey,
Alain Baudry,
Jacques Maréchal,
Mémoire Vidéo, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Château de Crèvecoeur
Tél. 33 (0) 231 630 245
Fax. 33 (0) 231 630 596

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Schlumberger Museum Prize

Schlumberger Museum Prize

The ‘Têtes Chercheuses’ competition is organised in partnership with Relais d'Sciences. Open to scientific and/or technical teams in Normandy, this competition aims at encouraging innovative approaches to science outreach.It awards the Schlumberger Museum Prize, of a sum of 10,000 Euros donated by the Schlumberger Museum Foundation, and enables a project illustrating a specific research issue to be developed, including early dissemination to the general public. The winning project is presented every year during the Fête de la Science (Science Fair) before being broadcast at regional or national level.

Schlumberger Museum Foundation - Crèvecœur Castle

phone : 33 (0) 231 630 245

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games and interactivity ok

Château de Crèvecoeur


Visit and discover
Throughout the season, as a couple, with family or friends, come and enjoy a fun visit to Château de Crèvecoeur !


Observation game for children, to discover the castle
From 4 years old.

In the fall, we had a bad surprise: the dragon Finfar settled in the middle of the barnyard.
And we had a funny winter, because it never left.
In the spring, we realized that she was hatching eggs!
The eggs have hatched and the baby cubs are now big enough to fly on their own.
These little rascals are hiding through the castle.

Can you find them?

The Falcon's Curse

Storytelling tour available on the izi.TRAVEL app
Discover the castle by following the thread of a story in three voices.

Thibault is a very proud young nobleman who likes to hunt with his falcon in the marshes of Crèvecœur. He knows no limits and does not respect the cycles of nature. Faced with Thibault's shortcomings, the healer and protector of the marshes transforms the young man into a hawk...

Thus begins for Thibault a quest to definitively regain his human form and prove himself worthy of being dubbed a knight.

Link to izi travel

Audio guides


for adults

Link to izi travel


for children

Link to izi travel



Play is a social marker. Everyone plays, but not in the same way, nor with the same means. Chess recalls the importance of hierarchy, especially royal: major pieces have more freedom and movement; the pawns are sacrificed; Once the king is defeated, the game ends. Some games like mérelle, game of alignment of pawns, are more popular: people and nobility play it willingly. However, the Church prohibits monks, priests and bishops from playing. However, many testimonies show that this rule is not respected. Find many board games on the Crèvecœur site: chess, of course, mérelle, the game of fierges (or draughts), pilgrim or even dice.


There are many physical and sports games in the Middle Ages. Ball games are very popular and practiced both in the countryside and in the city. In urban areas, tennis and batting games are the most common. The children of the Middle Ages had, like the children of the 21st century, toy weapons to imitate war. Jousting is the warrior game par excellence. Practiced by chivalry, this entertainment allows to amass some booty outside the battlefields. 
In the lower and upper courtyard of the Castle, find several games of skill and share good times with the family thanks to horse-stick, skittles, short ball, shuffleboard or archery. 'crossbow. 
Schlumberger Museum Foundation - Crèvecœur Castle

phone : 33 (0) 231 630 245

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The Schlumberger adventure

« My life as an engineer »
You will be able to put yourself in the shoes of an engineer and participate in a scientific and human adventure from 1911 to today. From recruitment to field operations, discover in a fun and interactive way the technological innovations that have revolutionized scientific and technical research.

The Schlumberger brothers

Although born in Alsace, these ingenious discoverers chose the Pays d’Auge to conduct research that was to revolutionise oil prospecting and mining across the globe.

Why Normandy?
Why Crèvecoeur?

A castle…

In 1970, in the vicinity of Val Richer, their families chose Crèvecœur Castle to establish a museum reuniting the two brothers’ inventions.

... A museum...

Ready for a brand-new experience?

Discover ‘My life as an engineer’, the immersive museum trail devised by the Schlumberger Museum Foundation.

…a prize !

Since 2010, the Schlumberger Museum Prize, of a sum of 10,000 Euros donated by the Schlumberger Museum Foundation, has been rewarding Normandy-based research teams and enabling outreach projects to be developed to disseminate and illustrate their research topics. Schlumberger: a scientific, technical and human adventure.

Schlumberger Museum Prize

Schlumberger :
a human, scientific, technical adventure

Schlumberger Museum Foundation - Crèvecœur Castle

phone : 33 (0) 231 630 245

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  • Schlumberger

  • Région Normandie

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  • Normandie Tourisme

  • Réseau musée normandie

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  • France Bleu

  • Ouest France

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games and interactivity

Château de Crèvecoeur


une nouvelle manière de visiter
Tout au long de la saison, à deux, en famille ou avec des amis, venez profiter d'une visite ludique au Château de Crèvecoeur !
Les audioguides, les tablettes et certains jeux ou espaces interactifs ne pourront pas être mis à votre disposition durant la crise sanitaire. Vous aurez néanmoins accès à différents outils de médiation téléchargeables à partir de notre page d'accueil sur votre téléphone avant, pendant, ou après la visite. Les livrets et les plans sont aussi accessibles par un QR code directement sur le site.
Partez à la recherche des dragonneaux de Finfar ou suivez le jeu de piste !
Plan les dragonneaux de Finfar - Formulaire
Plan du jeu de piste Formulaire
Les parcours et les audioguides sont aussi téléchargeables sur téléphone ou tablette grâce à l'application Izi-travel.


Audioguides (français, anglais, néerlandais, allemand) : 2€

Tablettes (français, anglais, néerlandais, allemand, italien, coréen, portugais, espagnol, russe) : 2€

Dépliant d'accueil disponible en plusieurs langues

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